
Unmasking your Gremlins: Managing Your Negative Thoughts with Mindy Schwartz Katz, LCSW — 2024

with Mindy Schwartz Katz, LCSW


I am a Gremlin hunter. I help people notice, identify, and manage their negative thoughts. We have a lifetime of negative messages imbedded in our brains about how we are not good enough and how we have failed – and we believe them! The Gremlin is the monster of the mind whose job it is to keep you stuck and miserable, let’s bring the Gremlins into the light and see them for what they are.

About Mindy Schwartz Katz, LCSW

Mindy began working with adults struggling with ADHD as a Life Coach. To grow her skills and knowledge and to better serve our community, she went back to school and is now an LCSW. Mindy has extensive experience and expertise in working with adults with ADHD using positive psychology, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapies, and EMDR.

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