
ADHD and Trauma: What is EMDR for ADHD? Noelle Lynn, LMSW, ADHD-CCPS — 2024

with Noelle Lynn, LMSW, ADHD-CCPS


Research shows that those who have ADHD are more likely to experience trauma than their neurotypical peers. This can range from abuse or neglect at home, negative experiences caused by ADHD symptoms at school or other environments, to feeling like the odd one out throughout life. Traumatic experiences often reinforce negative beliefs. When those with ADHD are living out of negative beliefs about themselves, it can cause symptoms to worsen and decrease treatment effectiveness. EMDR for ADHD addresses the experiences and negative core beliefs which are holding those with ADHD back from their full potential.

About Noelle Lynn, LMSW, ADHD-CCPS

Noelle Lynn is an ADHD and trauma specialist who provides therapy and diagnostic services to clients at the ADHD Center of West Michigan. Noelle is pioneering EMDR for ADHD, and has provided over 5,000 sessions of EMDR to ADHD and neurodivergent clients. She has expertise in the overlap of ADHD and trauma, complexities caused by co-occurring disorders and working with neurodivergent brains for effective trauma processing and healing. Noelle is also passionate about training other mental health care workers to provide neurodivergent affirming care.

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