Inattentive women with ADHD, working from or at home during the pandemic, may be surprised by unexpected feelings of anxiety or fears at the thought of transitioning back to a post pandemic life, unrelated to the fear of the disease itself! This may create feelings of guilt or confusion for these women who have experienced relief from the pressures of “normal” life with its constant executive function demands for coordination, logistics, social pressures, and expectations that have been dramatically reduced during this time. Sari normalizes these reactions, explores what this transition might bring from the perspective of women with ADHD, and suggest mindsets that might help ease the road ahead.
Psychotherapist, Sari Solden, MS, LMFT, has been a pioneer in the field of counseling women and men with the strengths and struggles of ADHD for over thirty years. She is the author of three popular and groundbreaking books on the subject. These include Women with Attention Deficit Disorder, Journeys Through ADDulthood, as well as A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD which she co- authored. Ms. Solden is a well-known, national and international keynote speaker and frequent contributor to articles, podcasts, and other media on the subject. Contact Sari through or