
Why Won’t You Stop Interrupting Me? Lisa Rabinowitz, MA, LCPC — 2025

with Lisa Rabinowitz, MA, LCPC


We will explore key challenges ADHD couples face, including how frequent interrupting can derail conversations and strain relationships, along with practical ways to address it. We’ll dive into common communication breakdowns, and how to create a safe space to feel heard and seen. We’ll discuss the impact of masking ADHD symptoms, why it happens, and how couples can create a safe space for authenticity. Additionally, we’ll uncover the role of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and Relationship Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (ROCD) in ADHD relationships, offering tools to navigate these dynamics and foster connection, understanding, and healthy boundaries.


Lisa Rabinowitz MA, LCPC, has been a therapist for more than 30 years. She specializes in couples therapy, communication, attachment and ADHD. Lisa is a Certified Gottman and PACT Couples Therapist, Relationship Coach and ADHD-Certified Clinical Service Provider. She has presented at the International ADHD Conference in 2022, 2023, and 2024. She trains counselors and coaches on the most effective approaches to work with couples with ADHD. Her book was just released on Amazon, Why Won’t You Stop Interrupting Me? Simple Solutions For ADHD Couples. She holds licenses in MD, VA, FL, DE and VT and works internationally. Her website is

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