March 17-22, 2025


ADHD is different for women

Don't miss this life-changing week!

Yes, ADHD IS different for women, so we’ve invited the world’s top ADHD experts to talk specifically about women’s issues. It’s truly a cream-of-the-crop lineup of experts.

Why the Palooza?

Because ADHD Women are Overdue for Some Special Treatment

Twenty-five years ago, ADD, as it was then known, was rarely diagnosed in girls and women. Gradually, the medical and psychology communities recognized that symptoms of ADHD are somewhat different for females. 

Diagnosis and treatment opened doors for women. A collective sigh of relief could be heard from women who once thought they were either lazy, depressed, or even a bit crazy. It was just ADHD!

Free Yourself

Most ADHD women suffer in isolation. They hide behind a mask that helps them pass for “normal.” In some situations. On some days. For a little while. You are not the only one who feels the shame and guilt of missing the mark.

Find Understanding

ADHD women need resources from those who truly understand their challenges. Learn from professionals who have researched, written about, and listened to personal stories like ours. Steep in their expertise, soak up their wisdom.

Our Sessions

Speaker and session announcements coming soon.

There are NO scheduled times for Palooza sessions this year. Each day’s sessions will be released at 9 am EDT that morning and expire at 12 pm EDT the following day. Video and audio will be available at no cost for 27 hours.


Time Zone Converter:

Daily Meditations for ADHD Women
(1 New Meditation Each Day of the Palooza)

Mark Bertin, M.D.

Dr. Bertin is a developmental pediatrician and author of How Children Thrive, Mindful Parenting for ADHD, Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Teen ADHD and The Family ADHD Solution, all of which integrate mindfulness into the rest pediatric care, and a contributing author for the book Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens.  Dr. Bertin is a faculty member at New York Medical College and the Windward Teacher Training Institute and has served on advisory boards for APSARD (the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders), Additude Magazine, Common Sense Media and Reach Out and Read.  His blog is available through Psychology Today and elsewhere.  For more information, please visit his website at

ADHD in Older Adults: It's time to pay attention!

David W. Goodman, M.D.

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While ADHD is widely recognized in children and now in adults, a growing scientific literature highlights the persistence of ADHD into older adults. The cognitive changes that occur with age can often be discounted as age related changes. Because awareness of ADHD in older adults is virtually absent among medical providers, this diagnosis is never considered in the evaluation of cognitive symptoms in older adults. Although the diagnosis of ADHD is predicated on childhood symptoms, and older adults have difficulty accurately recalling childhood symptoms, it is a clinical challenge to establish an ADHD diagnosis. . For older adults with medical illnesses and/or multiple medications, understanding how to distinguish possible explanations for cognitive symptoms is critical. My talk will focus on how to establish an accurate diagnosis of ADHD and enumerate the treatment options to reduce cognitive symptoms and improve daily functioning, while prescribing medications safely.

About David W. Goodman, M.D.

David W. Goodman, M.D. is a faculty member at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the State University of New York Upstate. For 38+ years, he has taught psychiatric residents at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and recently at the State University of New York. Dr. Goodman has presented over 750 lectures nationally and internationally to primary care physicians, psychiatrists, medical specialists, and the general public. His psychiatric commentary has been featured on national (ABC World News, CNN Anderson Cooper 360, ESPN Sports Center) and national magazines (U.S. News and World Report, Wall Street Journal, New York Tim, Boston Globe, BusinessWeek). Dr. Goodman is a consultant to the National Football League, Olympic-level athletes, and the World Anti-Doping Agency. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, authored four book chapters, and The Black Book of ADHD. He serves as a prepublication peer reviewer for several national and international psychiatric journals. With the American Professional Society for ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) development of the first U.S. Clinical Practice Guidelines for ADHD in adults, he is a member of the Steering Committee. He founded a non-profit foundation ( to advance funding and collaborative support for adult ADHD research and education.

Overcoming the ADHD Approval Trap

Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

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Do you find that you set unreasonable standards for yourself and then criticize yourself when you can’t meet them? Do you look to others for reassurance and acknowledgment that you can’t seem to give yourself? Many women with ADHD struggle with maintaining healthy self-esteem and rely on perfectionism, pleasing others and avoiding uncomfortable situations instead. In this session, Dr. Sharon Saline, psychologist, author, speaker and consultant offers you concrete tools to stop feeling deficient and start practicing radical self-acceptance. When you learn how to fill your own ADHD approval cup, you reduce persistent negativity, fear of failure, rejection sensitivity and toxic shame. You will gain strategies for countering criticism with confidence, appreciating your unique strengths and taking things less personally.

About Sharon Saline, Psy.D.

Dr. Sharon Saline is the author of the award-winning book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life and The ADHD solution card deck. She specializes in working with children, teens, adults and families living with ADHD and neurodivergence. Dr. Saline helps people improve cognitive and social executive functioning skills, resilience, self-confidence and personal relationships. She consults with schools, clinics and businesses internationally. With decades of experience as a clinical psychologist and educator/clinician consultant, she guides people towards a greater understanding about neurodivergence and to live with more productivity and connection. She lectures and facilitates workshops internationally on topics such as ADHD and neurodivergence, executive functioning, the anxiety spectrum, motivation, perfectionism and working with different kinds of learners. Dr. Saline is on the advisory panel, serves as a contributing editor at and hosts their weekly Facebook Live sessions. She also blogs for, appears as a featured expert on MASS Appeal on WWLP-TV and is a part-time lecturer at the Smith School for Social Work. Her writing has been featured in numerous online and print publications including MSN, The Psychotherapy Networker, Smith College Studies in Social Work, Attention Magazine, ADDitude Magazine, Psych Central and

Your ADHD Ally Can Make or Break Your Success at Work!

Stacey Machelle

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Who’s the most important person at your job (besides you, of course). It’s your ADHD ally! An ally notices some of your rough spots and steps in to help smooth them out, according to ADHD coach Stacey Machelle. It’s someone on your team who picks up those pesky details so you can shine with your big ideas and excellent delivery. Join us for a light-hearted session that delves into choosing (or finding) an ADHD ally and the gratitude you owe them for having your back!

About Stacey Machelle

My name is Stacey Machelle. I am a black woman with ADHD. I create content on YouTube that focuses on empowering, educating, and entertaining those seeking help with undiagnosed or unmanaged ADHD. I’m here to remind women and girls like me that they are not alone  If it weren’t for COVID-19 I’d still be working three side-hustles, racing around, running late, and too overwhelmed to think about how I can be of service to people who have my struggle. The upside of being out of work due is COVID-19 is that I have the headspace and time to invest in the creation of  ADHD is the new BLACK. But, I do need to pay these bills.

I was first diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder at age 26. I didn’t take my diagnosis seriously and I continued to live life-forgetting, FORGETTING that I’d received a diagnosis. However, ADHD didn’t forget about me. It ran my life like an evil marionette every day for 20 years.  I white-knuckled my way through my 20s and 30s-and my next 30s. “Fake it til you make it” was my M.O.  I couldn’t keep the friends that I struggled to make and I couldn’t manage money, create a budget or make sound, critical decisions because I was too impulsive. I was always moving on to the next thing before the previous thing was complete.

Life was lived hard-always underpaid, saying “yes” to everything, and not following through on anything. I bounced checks like LaBron bounces on the court and it baffled my parents that I was the only one of their children, it seemed who couldn’t figure out how to take care of myself.


I’ve been given much grace by God and I’ve had help when I needed it, but I was always falling short of my potential because I couldn’t figure out what was “wrong” with me.

EVERTHING changed two years ago. I finally remembered my diagnosis. I accepted it, mourned for those “lost” years got on with getting myself treated. 

Because I’ve spent equal halves of my life on both sides of ADHD treatment-I know what a difference treatment makes. And I also know that as far as black women and WOC with ADHD, Stigma is one of the biggest barriers to treatment .  My work now is to reflect someone black and brown women can identify as themselves. Someone who looks like them going through the same, unspoken struggles. ADHD IS our strength when it’s acknowledged and treated and that’s why I make videos to encourage other women to face and embrace their diagnosis.

Having said that It takes approximately 90 hours to complete just one video. I’ve been making one every 12 days as of late. That is a full-time job for which I don’t receive compensation in any form.  I ask that you demonstrate how much my work means to you by becoming a patron- a monthly supporter of my work. The job market will open again someday in 2021 and it is imperative that I’m able to continue the growth of ADHD is the new BLACK to reach more sisters who need this type of information.   

Coaching Yourself Through ADHD — Sage Advice From Top ADHD Coaches

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC  and Diane Dempster, CPC, PCC, MHSA

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About Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC  and Diane Dempster, CPC, PCC, MHSA

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC, is first and foremost the mom in an ADHD ++ family of six and her complex kids are now successful young adults. Professionally, she is a Master Certified Coach – bringing a coach-approach to her work as an internationally recognized speaker, author and educator. The co-founder of the first global coaching organization for parents and professionals of neurodiverse kids,, she is a trusted advisor to executives, parents, health care and education professionals, and specialized in guiding parents raising what she’s come to call very complex kids. In addition to providing training for parents, ImpactParents has trained and certified hundreds of professionals around the world in neurodiversity-informed coaching skills. In addition, Elaine and Diane have trained and mentored an extraordinary group of neurodiversity-informed coaches to support their community. Elaine co-authored Parenting ADHD Now! in 2016 and published The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More in 2020, which is due to be released in Spanish in 2023.

Fitting the Task to Your Brain: A New Intervention for ADHD

Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC

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Ergonomics is a field of engineering about fitting a job to the individual to increase safety, boost productivity, and reduce stress and fatigue. What would it be like if we could “fit” a job or a task to your ADHD brain to improve well-being, increase productivity, and reduce stress? Wouldn’t it be AWESOME? So, why haven’t we done such a thing? It’s because we have been cognitively illiterate due to the intangibility of cognition. But things have changed. We now have the primitive technology we need for a new field of engineering… Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out! Join us to learn more about this exciting news!

Jeff Copper Intervention Package — Four info-packed sessions that build on each other to culminate in an innovative new ADHD intervention. Based on the work of renowned ADHD researcher Dr. Russell Barkley, Jeff Copper has created a patented system to match the tasks at hand to your unique brand of ADHD. Special package from four different years of the ADHD Women’s Palooza. Yours for just $35.

About Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC

Jeff Copper is an ADHD coach, founder of DIG Coaching Practice, and host of Attention Talk Radio and Attention Talk Video. As an attention coach, Jeff helps his clients understand how their minds work. He developed his anatomy of attention construct to help them gain control of their attention and move past barriers. Using his construct, they can achieve what they are capable of faster with less stress to create the productive environments they need to succeed. Jeff holds an MBA from University of Tampa, professional designations from ICF and PAAC, and certifications from ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) and Coaches Training Institute (CTI). Jeff is a member of Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), Professional Association for ADHD Coaches (PAAC), and International Coach Federation (ICF). He received the 2022 Professional Excellence Award presented by the ADHD Coaches Organization.

Leaning Into Our Energy, Passion and Fulfillment After a Late-In-Life ADHD Diagnosis

Kate Moryoussef

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In this talk, Kate will recount her own story of finally finding her flow, purpose and way of working after her own ADHD diagnosis at age 40. Kate, the host of the ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast, will talk about how to use the awareness and new lens of our newly-discovered neurodivergence to finally offers us the permission to carve out a new way of living, working and being. We do this alongside the other part of us that has craved the grace, compassion and self-kindness to lean into our many strengths and skills, which our shame, blame, self-doubt and self-criticism may have often quashed over the years.

About Kate Moryoussef

Kate Moryoussef is host of The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast, a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly-diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity and clarity.

Unmasking Your Gremlins: Managing Your Negative Thoughts

MIndy Schwartz Katz, LCSW

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I am a Gremlin hunter. I help people notice, identify, and manage their negative thoughts. We have a lifetime of negative messages imbedded in our brains about how we are not good enough and how we have failed. – and we believe them! The Gremlin is the monster of the mind whose job it is to keep you stuck and miserable, Let’s bring the Gremlins into the light and see them for what they are.

About Mindy Katz, LCSW

Mindy began working with adults struggling with ADHD as a Life Coach. To grow her skills and knowledge and to better serve our community, she went back to school and is now an LCSW. Mindy has extensive experience and expertise in working with adults with ADHD using positive psychology, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapies, and EMDR.

ADHD, Clutter and Hoarding

Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D

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Many women with ADHD struggle with disorganization and clutter due to various factors. Studies on individuals with hoarding disorder show that having ADHD and/or executive functioning issues present as a significant risk factor. This webinar will discuss the differences between clutter and hoarding, as well as ADHD-specific risk factors for both. Organizational strategies and treatment interventions will be reviewed, as well as discussing the role that shame plays in this issue.

About Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D.

Dr. Roberto Olivardia is a Clinical Psychologist, Lecturer in Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Associate at McLean Hospital. He maintains a private practice in Lexington, Massachusetts, where he specializes in the treatment of ADHD, OCD and Body Dysmorphic Disorder as well as researching and treating boys and men with eating disorders. He currently serves on the Professional Advisory Boards for CHADD and ADDA. He is a Featured Expert for and on the Scientific Advisory Board for ADDitude.

Throw The Made Up Rules In The Trash!

Patricia Sung

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Whose rules are you playing by? As a woman with ADHD, you often push yourself towards burnout in order to uphold the unreasonable expectations held by society, your boss, or your family, and even yourself! How can you let go of the weight of overwhelming responsibility and find what makes sense for you (without losing what matters)? It’s time to let go of the “Should”s, “Must”s, and “Just”s! Whether you’re a rule-follower or rebel rule breaker, let’s rewrite the rulebook and define your true “have to”s so that you can live freely, peacefully, and confidently!

About Patricia Sung

Patricia Sung helps moms with adult ADHD work with their unique brains and get their ish together one step at a time and feel confident running their family life. She hosts Motherhood in ADHD, a Top 5 Parenting podcast, encouraging mamas with practical strategies and relatable missteps. She’s a hobby-hopping, anxious adventurer, willing to try almost anything once. A midwesterner at heart, she reluctantly has adopted the word “y’all” and lives in Houston with her husband and two young sons. Snag free resources and get your crap together with other ADHD moms in Successful Mama Meetups at

Unraveling the Tapestry of Generational ADHD

Laurie Dupar, MSN, RN, PCC, CALC

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Imagine you’re gathered around the dinner table, swapping tales of family stories that span generations. You notice recurring themes – a restless spirit here, a wandering mind there, or perhaps impulsive decision-making. These traits, tendencies, or dynamics, often cherished as “family quirks”, might just be the visible threads of ADHD woven into the fabric of your family’s history. Join Laurie Dupar, a trained Nurse Practitioner. 20+ year ADHD Life Coach, and Founder of the International ADHD Coach Training Center, in an engaging discussion exploring the hereditary nature and genetics of ADHD, how these manifest and impact a woman’s personal and familial journey, and gain insights into navigating life as a woman with ADHD within your family’s tapestry.

About Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC, CALC

Meet Laurie Dupar, MSN, RN, PCC, CALC – a driving force in ADHD advocacy. With over two decades of experience as a trained Nurse Practitioner and ADHD Life Coach, Laurie’s life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with ADHD at 50. Leveraging her extensive knowledge, experience, and expertise in the neuroscience and behavior management of ADHD, Laurie empowers individuals living with ADHD to thrive. As the founder and Director of the International ADHD Coach Training Center (iACTcenter), Laurie spearheads a globally recognized program accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). Passionate about nurturing emerging ADHD coaches worldwide, she equips them with the tools to turn their dreams into reality while making a meaningful impact. A co-author and editor of the #1 Amazon bestseller series, the ADHD Awareness Book Project, Laurie is a sought-after speaker and presenter on ADHD, coaching, and entrepreneurship. Are you curious if you “Have What it Takes to be an ADHD Life Coach”? Take the assessment at


FINALLY! An ADHD Center for Girls and Women that Encourages Research!

Julia C. Schechter, PhD

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ADHD in girls and women often looks different than it does in men and boys. This different presentation—which is typically not what most people think of when they picture a person with ADHD—has contributed to girls and women being misdiagnosed or missed altogether resulted in missed opportunities for proper ADHD intervention. During this session. Dr. Julia Schechter, clinical psychologist at the Duke ADHD Program and co-director of the Duke Center for Girls & Women with ADHD, talks about what ADHD looks like in girls and women, the unique risks for girls and women when ADHD goes untreated, and what is needed to better support girls and women with ADHD across the lifespan.

About Julia C. Schechter, PhD

Dr. Schechter is a licensed clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor at the Duke ADHD Program in Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Duke University School of Medicine. As a faculty member, Dr. Schechter conducts research, provides clinical services, and supervises psychology and psychiatry trainees. In 2021, Dr. Schechter helped to establish the Duke Center for Girls & Women with ADHD, the nation’s first program housed within an academic institution focused specifically on ADHD in girls and women. As the Center’s Co-Director, Dr. Schechter leads the Center’s education, outreach, and research initiatives and is currently the co-lead on a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Engagement Award focused on the research priorities of girls and women living with ADHD. Dr. Schechter also serves as the co-chair for American Professional Society for ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) Women and Girls with ADHD Special Interest Group.

How To Use ChatGPT To Skyrocket ADHD Productivity and Executive Function

Bob Dietrich

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In this session, Bob will show you how to use AI tools, like ChatGPT to overcome productivity, organization, procrastination, time management, starting projects, getting unstuck, and much more.

About Bob Dietrich

Bob Dietrich is an esteemed entrepreneur, speaker, and producer with over 25 years of experience driving personal and professional growth. Renowned for his expertise in entrepreneurship, Bob has empowered countless individuals to realize their potential and achieve entrepreneurial success.

A distinguished figure in the personal development industry, Bob excels in guiding entrepreneurs through the intricacies of business ownership, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies for success. His deep understanding of the challenges entrepreneurs face is reflected in his commitment to providing tailored solutions that foster credibility, audience engagement, and sustainable growth.

At the forefront of Bob’s ventures is BrainWorx, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to supporting individuals with ADHD. Drawing from his wealth of experience, Bob offers innovative approaches to help individuals overcome obstacles and thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Complementing his entrepreneurial endeavors, Bob is a seasoned event producer, adept at orchestrating large-scale summits that drive audience engagement and business success. Through initiatives like Laptop Lifestyle, Bob continues to empower entrepreneurs to build thriving communities and establish themselves as industry leaders online.

As a dynamic speaker, Bob captivates audiences with his insights on entrepreneurship and AI, leaving a lasting impact wherever he goes. To learn more about Bob and access valuable resources for achieving success, visit

Fibromyalgia, Overlapping Chronic Pain Syndromes, and ADHD

Michael Lenz, M.D.

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Many people have either been told or read that fibromyalgia isn’t real or that it is just all in their heads. This misunderstanding, unfortunately, causes harm and is a disservice to those suffering. If you are one of the estimated 10 million people in the United States who are suffering from fibromyalgia, then you know it is real. If you don’t have FM, you will, at a minimum, gain a deeper understanding of what you or your loved one is experiencing. If you do have FM, you will feel validated for what you are enduring. You will also receive actionable steps to thrive, not just survive with FM and its related problems. You will also learn practical and realistic strategies for conquering your fibromyalgia.

About Michael Lenz, M.D.

The double training in pediatrics and internal medicine has made me a better pediatrician and internist than doing either alone. Some conditions typically don’t manifest until later in life, but the silent problems are underway decades prior. These include heart disease and diabetes. In addition, there are conditions that pediatricians manage well, but internists don’t have experience with but persist into adulthood, such as ADHD. I also care for all the conditions you would expect from a pediatrician and an internist, but my training goes beyond that. I practice lifestyle medicine and clinical lipidology by becoming a diplomat of the respective boards. I bring extensive training and experience in preventing heart disease through detection and treatment with appropriate advanced testing and medications. Lifestyle medicine involves nonmedical ways of treating, preventing, and reversing chronic illness. I also care for those struggling with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. I aim to blend the best lifestyle medicine and medical management to help patients. In addition to long-term relationships in primary care, some of my most rewarding aspects of medicine are when I can partner with patients to reverse medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, and related problems.

ADHD, Dysgraphia and Why is My Handwriting So Bad?

Cheri Dotterer, MS, OTR/L

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Activating focus, attention, motivation, and curiosity are essential for learning. Students with ADHD, dysgraphia, and similar disorders have a filtering system that thwarts the typical neurobiological cycle. In this webinar, we dive into several “FOCUS TRIGGERS,” instructional facilitation strategies that trigger attention and motivation for all students and prepare them for learning. FOCUS TRIGGERS are part of a checklist that educators and therapists can utilize to inject novelty, belonging, and activate the power of a student’s neurobiology to reengage “just right” learning.

About Cheri Dotterer, MS, OTR/L

I empower educators and administrators to transform their institutions into distinguished schools within their region. By implementing innovative, multi-sensory lesson planning, I aim to turn these schools into magnets for parents to enroll their students due to unique, literacy-approved writing strategies to bridge all subject matter, especially reading and math. I ensure simple, grab-and-go interventions by facilitating multi-disciplinary co-teaching opportunities. The heart of these 30-second interventions, called Focus Triggers, is grounded in cognitive neuroscience and reengages all students’ attention, motivation, and self-regulation, fostering a fun learning environment for all. I’m Cheri Dotterer, Lesson Plan Whisperer. Leveraging my experience as an occupational therapist and substitute teacher, I identified numerous opportunities to benefit from streamlined, multi-sensory strategies to benefit students from gifted to learning support. Allow me to exemplify the effectiveness of FOCUS TRIGGERS with some compelling examples. For further insights, please refer to the link provided. Your feedback on this narrative will make a difference. I know I have suffered from communication issues my entire life. I now use FOCUS TRIGGERS to manage my day and my treatment with students.

The Paradoxes of High Achieving and Executive ADHD Women

Farah Jamil, MHA, CEC, ACC

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High achieving and executive ADHD women may look like they have it all together, but at what cost? Executive coach Farah Jamil reports they often fall into the 3 Ps Loop — Perfectionism, Procrastination and Paralysis, which can be devastating. Remember that ADHD is consistently inconsistent, so when ADHD women excel, there is an expectation that they will continue to excel. But the ADHD can thwart even the best efforts. Join Farah for tips on how ADHD + high achievement is paradox that can be managed with simple, yet effective strategies.

Farah Jamil, MHA, CEC, ACC, CALC

Founder of Muslim ADHDers, Farah is a Health Executive, an Executive / ADHD Coach, a Coach Instructor, & a Speaker. She empowers early- to mid-careerists to be less passive & more proactive to unleash their inner “Super Leader!” &/or their inner “ADHD Superpowers!”

Farah hosted the 1st global Muslim ADHDers Virtual Summit with 14 speakers & 1,500+ registrants about the intersectionality between ADHD, productivity, health/wellness, & faith. She’s passionate about serving the underserved!

As a woman of color & a visible religious minority with 15+ years of leadership experience, Farah has briefed Canadian Ministers, US Senators, & Ambassadors on strategic policy issues; led high-performing teams; navigated DEI-related issues; provided 1:1 & group coaching as an Internal Coach & privately; sat on non-profit boards as President, VP, & Director; &, guest lectured at various universities in Canada & the US.

Farah is an Ivy League graduate with a Masters in Health Administration (MHA) & has the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She’s also a Fellow at the Institute of Coaching (IOC) at McLean – Harvard Medical School Affiliate, presented to global audiences such as The World Business & Executive Coach Summit (WBECS) with on “Neurodiversity – Navigating ADHD in the Workplace” & she was selected as one of 36 global Executive Coaches for the 2020 INC 5000 Vision Conference for the fastest-growing US private companies.

2023 State of Women and ADHD Town Hall: Results

Michelle Harris Price

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The 2023 State of ADHD and Women Town Hall was held at the International Conference on ADHD, comprised of ADHD women influencers and trailblazers and attended by 100+ women.

Join Michelle and Linda for the results of our interactive town hall conversation as we explored the state of women and ADHD across the lifespan through a framework of four questions: 

What do we take for granted in our experience of ADHD that should be ELIMINATED? 

What would you like to see LESS OF in your experience of ADHD? 

What would you like to experience MORE OF in your experience of ADHD?

What doesn’t yet exist that you would like to CREATE?

The results will leave you with no doubt that women know what we want and are determined to get.

About Michelle Harris Price

Michelle Price is President, sheADHD Foundation and Activator of Potential for high-potential women diagnosed with ADHD after 40 with “lived experience” they would like to finally monetize. She created sheADHD Foundation to empower and support high-potential women with ADHD to activate their economic AND emotional potential and live better lives. (Cuz Ferrari brain with bicycle brakes doesn’t even come close).

6 Small and Easy Mini-Systems that Get BIG Results

Alan P. Brown

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We tend to think that big life improvements come only from big breakthroughs or massive shifts in our behavior/mindset. Not true. As one sage puts it, “The actions that lead to an extraordinary life are small and easy.” Yes. True. In this interview, ADHD/Productivity Coach and ADD Crusher™ creator Alan P. Brown, shares six small and easy “mini-systems” that can yield BIG results for your busy ADHD life. From simple monitoring of our energy to teeny mindset shifts to a 60-second pause each day, these little hacks are proof that, to quote another sage, “Big doors swing on little hinges.” Yes. They do.

About Alan P. Brown

An ADHD coach and author, Alan P. Brown is the creator of the award-winning ADD Crusher™ video program for ADHD teens and adults. Undiagnosed for decades, his untreated ADHD manifested in underachievement, failed relationships, substance abuse, and worse. Once diagnosed, he found it difficult to learn coping strategies from books, so he researched his own evidence-based “brain hack” strategies to fuel a successful advertising career and several start-ups. A featured conference presenter internationally and a TEDx speaker, he’s the #1 best-selling author of Zen and the Art of Productivity. Alan’s free eBook, “5 Things You’re Doing Every Day that Make Your ADHD Worse” is at

“Tummy Time” et al Could Connect the Gaps in Your ADHD Brain!

Alma Galvan

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In this session, Alma Galvan will show you what parts of the brain cause ADHD, and how you can develop them so you can reduce your anxiety and improve your focus, naturally. She will also discuss fight or flight, and show you how an underdeveloped brain will actually throw you into fight or flight, and by doing simple exercises on a daily basis you can improve brain function to automatically regulate fight or flight.

About Alma Galvan

In 1996, both of Alma’s children were diagnosed with severe autism, ADHD, Sensory Disorder, and more. One doctor even told her to put her oldest son in an institution and move on with her life. That’s where her journey began… It took her 7 years to discover some powerful new techniques that were scientifically proven to promote brain development. They literally changed her life! When she started using these techniques, her children’s challenges improved more in just a few months than in all the 7 years combined! In fact, the changes were so dramatic that other parents noticed and started asking her to work with their children. That’s how BrainWorx was born. For the past 20 years she has worked with thousands of families to help their children overcome anxiety, overwhelm, distractibility, foggy thinking, procrastination and much more. What she has found was that movement changes the brain, which allows us to have more functions, and having more functions allows us to have greater ease in life.

⁠ ⁠Identifying the Glass Balls: The Art of Juggling a Startup with Three ADHD Co-Founders

Adi Diner, Ph.D.

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In my session, I’ll delve into the journey and challenges of leading a startup as a woman with ADHD, alongside co-founders who share this unique perspective. We’ll explore the dynamics of creating a supportive workspace where discussing ADHD challenges openly becomes a source of strength and innovation. I’ll highlight the advantages our ADHD traits bring to entrepreneurship, such as resilience, creativity, and the ability to thrive outside conventional boundaries. Additionally, I’ll share insights from our interactions with customers, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding in building strong relationships. The talk will also cover the critical role of objective data in advancing ADHD treatment, focusing on how technology can transform the way progress is measured and treatments are evaluated.

About Adi Diner, Ph.D.

Adi, co-founder and CEO of iFocus Health, brings a unique perspective to the digital health arena with her blend of scientific expertise and personal experience. With a PhD in Physics and a background in hardware product development, she applies her knowledge to innovate in ADHD and brain health management. Adi’s journey is not only about overcoming professional challenges but also about navigating life with ADHD, making her insights invaluable and relatable to many. At iFocus Health, the focus is on providing the ADHD community with objective data, enabling medical decisions to be made based on facts rather than opinions. This approach aims to transform the understanding and treatment of ADHD, ensuring that individuals receive care that is informed, precise, and tailored to their unique needs.


ADHD Basics: the Tripod Approach to Living Your Best ADHD Life

David P. Pomeroy, M.D.

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Accept the diagnosis;  often emotions around this are strong – anger, remorse, grief –  what might I been able to do/ to be if this were known much earlier?

Dwelling on that wastes energy, it happened, you can’t change it; therapy is often helpful in working through the emotions so you can move on.

Learn about ADHD, discover your “flavor” of ADHD [Websites, YouTube, books, national organizations, e-zines, meetings with “the tribe” local and annual national.]

Use the 3-part approach for success with your ADHD:

1- The Basics: Sleep, exercise, eating what and when; 

2 – Strategies for time management, organization, getting accommodations at school or work, living a life that takes less energy; and

3 – medication – the best one for you, taken in a pattern over the day that works for you.

Adapt one change at a time. Get help when needed. Work with a therapist and/or ADHD Coach

About David P. Pomeroy, M.D.

It was an easy decision for me to leave the practice of general Family Medicine in 2005 to open my own practice specializing in the field of ADHD when the “have a second problem? Make a second appointment” approach became the norm of Primary Care medical practices. I had never done it that way in 26 years and was not about to start. My own diagnosis of ADHD had come five years before (gee, that explained a LOT of things) so it was a natural progression. The aspect of Family Medicine I enjoy the most is the privilege of taking part in the lives of the people I serve and watching them grow and change over time. Specializing in the field of ADHD gives me the joy of seeing positive changes much more often than not. I have evaluated over 3000 patients since 2005 and if it weren’t for dealing with insurance companies, I could say I that I still enjoy every part of doing what I get to do. I am in full-time practice, with the nebulous goal of retiring “someday soon” ( the typical “when I get around to it” of ADHD).

ADHD Stigmas, Myths, and Plain Ol' Lies: Let's Get it Straight

Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW

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There is so much misinformation out there about ADHD, especially since the explosion of social media. Some of it is rather benign, some of it comes out of stigma (still!), some is attention seeking, and some is plain old naivety, ignorance, and reactionary/denial. I’ll be sharing some of the worst offending myths and misunderstandings- the ones that get under my skin- followed by the facts.

About Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW

Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW, an internationally recognized expert on ADHD in women, is a psychotherapist, author, consultant, and coach. She is the author of the award-winning book, “The Queen of Distraction” and “Survival Tips for Women with AD/HD”, and runs , an international online resource serving women with ADHD, and www.QueensOfDistraction , an online coaching program for women with ADHD. With over 25 years of experience helping women with ADHD, Terry is a sought- after presenter at conferences, webinars, and interviews. She has written hundreds of articles for various publications, including ADDitude Magazine, Attention Magazine,, and more. She served for many years on the board of directors of ADDA (Attention Deficit Disorder Assoc.) and is immediate past coordinator of the E. Oakland County CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) Chapter in Michigan. Terry has been interviewed by NPR, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Time Magazine, Glamour Magazine, and more.

Terry can be reached at [email protected].

Neurodiversity in the Workplace - Inclusive Practices to Reach Full Potential

Charlotte Hughes MS, CDP, SHRBP, CPLP

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Workplace Culture, Leadership Practices, Education and Access are keys to overcoming barriers for ADHD employees to reach their full potential. Recognize how standard talent development approaches adversely impact growth and how integrating a wholistic approach can enable leaders and teams to provide a welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment for all to thrive and do their very best work to achieve organizational business goals.

About Charlotte Hughes MS, CDP, SHRBP, CPLP

Recognized as the “Pragmatic Diversity Strategist”, Charlotte Hughes CDP® has spent over 20 years empowering talent, leaders, and organizations to make DEI practical. Charlotte believes in creating a holistic DEI strategy focusing on all dimensions of diversity. It should be embedded and aligned with the overall business strategy, a belief and mission of Charlotte’s consulting firm, Inclusive Leaders Group. As a Certified Diversity Professional (CDP), Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach and Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP), Charlotte has worked on a range of projects for Fortune 500 corporations, health systems, nonprofits and is a sought-after speaker on IE&D, Allyship, Leadership, Neurodiversity, and belonging in the workplace. As a leading DEI authority, author, and inclusive leadership catalyst, Charlotte and Inclusive Leaders Group were recognized by ManageHR Magazine as a Top 10 Emerging DEI Company in 2022. Charlotte is a unique and exceptional speaker with the gift of making people feel safe and comfortable with topics that can be challenging to discuss openly.

ADHD and Trauma: What is EMDR for ADHD?

Noelle Lynn, LMSW, ADHD-CCPS

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Research shows that those who have ADHD are more likely to experience trauma than their neurotypical peers. This can range from abuse or neglect at home, negative experiences caused by ADHD symptoms at school or other environments, to feeling like the odd one out throughout life. Traumatic experiences often reinforce negative beliefs. When those with ADHD are living out of negative beliefs about themselves, it can cause symptoms to worsen and decrease treatment effectiveness. EMDR for ADHD addresses the experiences and negative core beliefs which are holding those with ADHD back from their full potential.

About Noelle Lynn, LMSW, ADHD-CCPS

Noelle Lynn is an ADHD and trauma specialist who provides therapy and diagnostic services to clients at the ADHD Center of West Michigan. Noelle is pioneering EMDR for ADHD, and has provided over 5,000 sessions of EMDR to ADHD and neurodivergent clients. She has expertise in the overlap of ADHD and trauma, complexities caused by co-occurring disorders and working with neurodivergent brains for effective trauma processing and healing. Noelle is also passionate about training other mental health care workers to provide neurodivergent affirming care.

How to Advocate for What you Need as a 2e Adult in the Workplace

Julie F. Skolnick, M.A., J.D.

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Deep desire for personal and professional fulfillment.

Your desires are different

  • Meaningful work
  • Challenging work
  • Autonomy over the process of your work
  • Authentic relationships
  • Acknowledging and addressing patterns
  • Need for novelty

What’s hard:

  • Social niceties – the small talk that gets you on a team or thought of to collaborate
  • Having a better way
  • Your thinking process and processing speed
  • Identifying and acknowledging struggle areas
  • Pushing through rote and boring tasks – EF skills
  • Finding a way to communicate needs – to feel safe in order to become vulnerable

How to address:

  • Identify your goals – what matters to you?
  • The work
  • The way you work
  • Your relationship with people in work
  • Your success

Consider Self Determination theory

Three Basic Needs: Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness

  • Competence = need to be effective in dealing with environment
  • Autonomy = need to control the course of your life
  • Relatedness = need to have a close, affectionate relationship with others

The “Real Secret” is SELF LOVE

How to UNMASK:

  • Metacognition
  • Thought
  • “What is the goal and is what I’m about to say/think/do going to get me to that goal?”
  • “What is my trigger?”
  • “Could the response I’m considering sabotage?”
  • “Is it more important to be right or to be happy? “


• “When we’re tense, everyone is tense. When we’re calm, everyone is calm.”

• “Manage who you are so you can manage who they are.”

• “I think this is a good time for me to take a break.”

• “Let’s start over, this isn’t going very well.”

• “Tincture of time.”

About Julie F. Skolnick, M.A., J.D.

Julie F. Rosenbaum Skolnick, M.A., J.D., Founder of With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC, passionately guides parents of gifted and distractible children, mentors 2e adults, trains educators and advises professionals on how to bring out the best and raise self-confidence in their 2e students and clients.

A prolific write and beloved speaker, Julie hosts “The Haystack 2e Adult Membership Group” which welcomes all ‘2e adult needles,’ hosts Let’s Talk 2e! Parent Empowerment Groups, produces virtual conferences, and publishes “Gifted & Distractible,” a free weekly newsletter. Her book, Gifted and Distractible: Understanding, Supporting, and Advocating for Your Twice Exceptional Child, (2023) has received wide acclaim.


Julie and her husband raise three twice exceptional kids who keep them on their toes and uproariously laughing!

Located in Maryland, USA, Julie’s clients, and audience hale from all four corners of the globe.

Should You Change It or Accept It?


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Life involves plenty of things that we may not like–getting distracted too often, our partner’s frustrating habits, a disorganized office. . . the list goes on. But should we put in the effort to change it or should we learn to accept it? Do we have the power to change it? Is it even worth the effort? Or maybe we’d be happier if we learned to live with it and instead put our energy into other pursuits. We find happiness by striking the right balance between changing and accepting, so let’s talk about how to think this through.

About Ari Tuckman, Psy.D., CST

Ari Tuckman, PsyD has given more than 600 presentations and routinely earns excellent reviews for his ability to make complicated information understandable and useful. He is the author of four books: “ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship”, “Understand Your Brain, Get More Done”, “More Attention, Less Deficit” and “Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD”. He is a psychologist and sex therapist in private practice in West Chester, PA, and co-chair of the CHADD conference committee.

Neuronormativity and Neuroqueering

Pasha Marlowe, MFT

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Neuroqueering is beyond the intersection of neurodivergence and queerness. It is about unpacking neuronormativity, heteronormativity, and cisnormativity. It is about challenging capitalism, ableism, white supremacy, and more. Neuroqueer is an identity, a verb, and a celebration of the neurodiversity paradigm.

About Pasha Marlowe

Pasha Marlowe (she/they) has a lifetime of lived experience and 30 years of professional experience as a marriage and family therapist and neurodivergent coach. She specializes in intergenerational leadership through the lens of mental health, neurodiversity, inclusion, and neuroqueering. Pasha coaches neurodivergent individuals and couples as well as speaks to schools, organizations, and ERGs about neurodiversity-affirming practices, disability inclusion (apparent/non-apparent), neurobelonging, psychological safety, and burnout. She encourages leaders with privilege and power to embrace the concept of intersectionality and allow all, especially those with the most marginalized identities, to be heard, respected, and elevated.

Hate Conflict? Untangle it with the Three Rs of ADHD Relationships

Tamara Rosier, Ph.D.

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You’re ticked off about something your partner (or your kid or your friend) said or did. But you teeth silently because you hate conflict and you avoid it as much as possible. Or you explode and the relationship suffers. There’s a better way to handle conflict — the Three Rs of ADHD Relationship Resolution. Dr. Tamara Rosier lets you in on the secret of the Three Rs (hint: it’s NOT Readin’ ‘Riting and ‘Rithmetic). It’s all about Reaching out to your partner (even if you think THEY should make the first move). Then it’s about Repairing that tear in the fabric of the relationship and finally Reconnecting with that person you truly care about. Don’t miss this important session; it literally could change your life and your marriage or partnership or friendship. The prelude to an exciting new book to be released later in 2024!

About Tamara Rosier, PH.D.

Dr. Rosier has been a college administrator, a professor, a leadership consultant, a high schoolteacher, a business owner, and an ADHD coach.Through those adventures, Dr. Rosier has developed valuable insight into ADHD and how it affects one’s life.

As founder of the ADHD Center ofWest Michigan, she leads a team of coaches, therapists, and speech pathologists to help individuals, parents, and families develop an understanding and learn effective skills to live withADHD effectively. Her book, Your Brain’s NotBroken, provides strategies for navigating the powerful emotional aspect of ADHD

The ADHD Diabetes Connection

Nicole DeMasi Malcher, MS, RDN, CDCES

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ADHD has a huge impact on our eating habits and lifestyle behaviors that greatly increase our risk for type 2 diabetes. In this session learn how ADHD affects the way we eat, the risk factors for diabetes, challenges and barriers to adequate diabetes management, and some tips for improving blood sugar regulation.

About Nicole DeMasi Malcher, MS, RDN, CDCES

Nicole DeMasi Malcher is a Registered Dietitian, & Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist, with a Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Food Science. After receiving an ADHD diagnosis at age 33 & struggling with eating and body image for most of her life, her 10+ years of experience as a dietitian helped her uncover the connection between ADHD & disordered eating. In 2020, she founded, an Online Course, Coaching, & Community that’s helped hundreds of women with ADHD simplify eating, stop binge-eating, & heal their relationship with food & body image.


Your ADHD Menopause Journey

Linda Roggli

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About Linda Roggli

Linda Roggli is an award-winning author and founder of the A-D-Diva Network for ADHD women 40-and-better.

Her book Confessions of an ADDiva- Midlife in the non-linear lane won first prize for women’s issues in the prestigious Next Generation Indy Book Awards competition. She is currently working on a book about the effect of hormones on ADHD women and girls.

Linda is the creative force behind the online ADHD Palooza series: Women – since 2016, Parents – since 2018 and Couples – since 2021. 

Managing Stages of Grief with an ADHD Perspective

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC, BCC

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We know that there are stages to the grieving process and the journey can be bumpy and painful. When you have ADHD, it is common to ruminate and get stuck in different stages, struggling to see the path ahead. Add a high level of emotionality, self-doubt and the “what ifs” that won’t quit, and grieving can feel unbearable. In this session, we will discuss strategies designed to help you acknowledge your grief and move forward at your own pace.

About Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC, BCC

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, BA, MCC, BCC, is a Master Certified Coach, trainer, mentor, and speaker. She is the author of Empowering Youth with ADHD, a contributing author of Becoming Self-Determined: Creating Thoughtful Learners in a Standards-Driven, Admissions-Frenzied Culture (2016) and Becoming Self-Determined: Practical Strategies for a Changing World (2021), and co-editor of From Transactional to Transformational: Coaching in Disability Resources (2023). Her company, JST Coaching & Training, provides research-based student and neurodiversity coach training programs to individuals and educational institutions. Jodi is the recipient of the 2016 CHADD Hall of Fame Award & 2017 ADHD Coaches Organization Founders Award. She is considered the foremost authority on student and neurodiversity coaching. During her two-year term as president of the Association of Coach Training Organizations, Jodi’s platform focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in coach training, and she continues to forward social justice initiatives.

Motivation Hacks: Innovative Strategies for Inattentive ADHD Brains

Aron Croft M.S.

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Struggling to start tasks with ADHD? What if you could flip a switch and get moving? This talk unveils simple yet powerful strategies to kickstart motivation for those with inattentive ADHD symptoms. No fluff, just actionable tips that work. Ready to change ‘later’ into ‘now’? Watch this talk.

About Aron Croft M.S.

Harvard graduate Aron Croft has been obsessed with one question: “Why can’t we get ourselves to do tasks we WANT to do”? That question was on his mind as he dropped out of college twice, failed out of his first 7 jobs, and ended up broke, divorced, and earning minimum wage at 33. After an adult diagnosis of Inattentive ADHD and an M.S. in Coaching Psychology, he decided to abandon neurotypical productivity and his life changed. He built a successful Fortune 500 career followed by a six-figure training business with over 125,000 followers. In his business, he teaches his contrarian 8% Productivity Habit, which helps ADHDers complete tasks they’ve put off for months WITHOUT using willpower. His work has been featured by dozens of top ADHD outlets including ADDitude Magazine and the Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA). You can learn his 8% Productivity Habit method at

“It was a pretty emotional day for me, being with all those ADHD women who were saying things I have been thinking for years. I’ll be back next year.”

I am SO grateful to all our 2025 Palooza experts this year. Such inspiring and insightful information. But as wonderful as our experts are, ADHD women need to hear from EACH OTHER. We are our own best experts sometimes. And that’s why I have insisted on hosting a LIVE event where ADHD women can meet, ask questions, share their stories and know that they have finally found their peeps! The Palooza Pink Ticket Party!

Isolation is kryptonite for ADHD women. We protect ourselves, put up walls, hope no one peeks behind them and we are so alone. So alone. But the Pink Ticket Party crushes those “It’s only me” thoughts. You are not alone. 

The Zoom room for the Pink Ticket is absolutely private. I am committed to creating and maintaining a safe space for all of us. It’s a place to pull down the walls, take off the mask and be truly who you really are. An ADDiva who is tender, funny, spontaneous, lovable and loving.

Women from all over the world show up for these magical four hours. Does four hours sound like a long time? It goes by in a flash — we have conversation, some of our experts drop by to answer questions. We split into breakout rooms for small group interaction. We have some ADHD specific exercises. And we share ourselves. Without shame. Without apology.

Because we truly are a special bunch of people, we ADDivas of the world. Remember when Ned Hallowell said ADHD is a gift but it’s hard to unwrap? Well here is the place to unwrap it in all its glory.

Join me…and dozens of other ADHD women. For this year’s Palooza Pink Ticket Party.

Contact Customer Support: [email protected]

Register Now!

Free Viewing

$ 0
  • Each day's sessions will be released at noon ET and expire at 3 pm ET the following day.
  • Video and audio will be available at no cost for 27 hours.

Encore Package

$ 97
  • Access to all 31 Palooza online sessions
  • Replay access forever
  • Downloads (audio + video + transcripts) of all sessions
  • Special bonus gifts from Palooza experts

Encore + Pink Ticket

$ 147
  • Access to all 31 Palooza online sessions
  • Replay access forever
  • Downloads (audio + video + transcripts) of all sessions
  • Special bonus gifts from Palooza experts
  • Attend the Live Pink Ticket Event, March 22, 2025 12-4 pm EDT

*NO REFUNDS  after the Palooza starts*

Due to the digital nature of the event and the fact that Encore and Pink Ticket package includes instant access to ADHD Women’s Palooza Central, refunds are not available. 

Please thoroughly review all the details before purchasing.

Encore Package

$ 97
  • Access to all 31 Palooza online sessions
  • Access to 5 daily meditations for ADHD Women
  • Replay Access forever
  • Downloads (audio + video + transcripts) of all sessions
  • Special bonus gifts from Palooza experts
Contact Customer Support: [email protected]

Encore 2-Pay Plan

$ 50 each x 2
  • 2 Payments of $50 USD Each IMPORTANT!!! Your 2nd payment will automatically be charged to your credit card 30 days after the first payment UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US in advance. We can adjust the payment but need to hear from you at least a couple of days before the payment is scheduled to go through. And you CAN pay the second payment early so you get access sooner, too. Just email us and we'll take care of it.
  • Access to all 31 Palooza online sessions
  • Access to 5 daily meditations for ADHD Women
  • Replay Access forever
  • Downloads (audio + video + transcripts) of all sessions
  • Special bonus gifts from Palooza experts
Contact Customer Support: [email protected]

A message from Linda Roggli

From One WOman to Another

Research shows that ADHD ‘impairs’ women more than it does men. My own ADDiva survey of more than 1,500 ADHD women reveals that, despite trying multiple treatments, most women still struggle with their ADHD.

I knew early in my career as an ADHD coach that we women of ADHD need a place to absorb accurate information, to connect and to realize that We Are Not Alone. 

That’s why I co-created the ADHD Women’s Palooza with Terry Matlen in 2016.  Since then, thousands of women have joined us online to learn, laugh, be inspired and perhaps change their lives. So, welcome – we’re so thrilled you are here!


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