Dr. Wayne Dwyer once said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is the premise – and the promise – of simple mindset shifts. In an ADHD-infused relationship, both partners can benefit from shifting how they see each other’s foibles, how they respond to “triggering” behaviors and events, and so on – most of which are reflexive and built on past conditioning. In this interview, ADHD/productivity coach Alan P. Brown shares four simple mindset shifts that can reduce turbulence and bring more joy to your coupledom.
An ADHD coach and author, Alan P. Brown created of the award-winning ADD Crusher™ video program for ADHD teens/adults. Undiagnosed for decades, his untreated ADHD manifested in underachievement, substance abuse, and worse. Once diagnosed, he found it difficult to learn coping strategies from books, so he researched his own evidence-based “brain hack” strategies to fuel a successful advertising career and two start-ups. A featured conference presenter internationally and a TEDx speaker, he’s the #1 best-selling author of Zen and the Art of Productivity. Get his eBook, “5 Things We’re Doing Every Day that Make Our ADHD Worse” at www.ADDCrusher.com.