
The ADHD Others-Over-Self Tendency — What It Is and How to Use It to Help Yourself – 2020

with Barbara Luther

There is a very strong tendency that we see in most ADDers to give up their own work to help others with their projects. While admirable that we are so willing to help others, this can be a hindrance to completing our own projects. We will explore how this tendency catches us, how to watch out for it, then how we can use this others-over-self tendency to help ourselves get our own work done.


There is a very strong tendency that we see in most ADDers to give up their own work to help others with their projects. While admirable that we are so willing to help others, this can be a hindrance to completing our own projects. Barbara spoke on this topic at the 2019 CHADD conference and had a great deal of interest. We will explore how this tendency catches us, how to watch out for it, then how we can use this others-over-self tendency to help ourselves get our own work done.


About Barbara Luther

Barbara Luther is Director of Training at the ADD Coach Academy and a Master Certified ADHD Coach who specializes in working with inattentive. You can reach her at

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