
Fibromyalgia, Overlapping Chronic Pain Syndromes, and ADHD with Michael Lenz, M.D. — 2024

with Michael Lenz, M.D.


Many people have either been told or read that fibromyalgia isn’t real or that it is just all in their heads. This misunderstanding, unfortunately, causes harm and is a disservice to those suffering. If you are one of the estimated 10 million people in the United States who are suffering from fibromyalgia, then you know it is real. If you don’t have FM, you will, at a minimum, gain a deeper understanding of what you or your loved one is experiencing. If you do have FM, you will feel validated for what you are enduring. You will also receive actionable steps to thrive, not just survive with FM and its related problems. You will also learn practical and realistic strategies for conquering your fibromyalgia.

About Michael Lenz, M.D.

The double training in pediatrics and internal medicine has made me a better pediatrician and internist than doing either alone. Some conditions typically don’t manifest until later in life, but the silent problems are underway decades prior. These include heart disease and diabetes. In addition, there are conditions that pediatricians manage well, but internists don’t have experience with but persist into adulthood, such as ADHD. I also care for all the conditions you would expect from a pediatrician and an internist, but my training goes beyond that.

I practice lifestyle medicine and clinical lipidology by becoming a diplomat of the respective boards. I bring extensive training and experience in preventing heart disease through detection and treatment with appropriate advanced testing and medications. Lifestyle medicine involves nonmedical ways of treating, preventing, and reversing chronic illness. I also care for those struggling with chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome. I aim to blend the best lifestyle medicine and medical management to help patients. In addition to long-term relationships in primary care, some of my most rewarding aspects of medicine are when I can partner with patients to reverse medical conditions like diabetes, heart disease, fibromyalgia, and related problems.

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