
Fitting the Task to Your Brain: A New Intervention for ADHD with Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG  — 2024

with Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG


Ergonomics is a field of engineering about fitting a job to the individual to increase safety, boost productivity, and reduce stress and fatigue. What would it be like if we could “fit” a job or a task to your ADHD brain to improve well-being, increase productivity, and reduce stress? Wouldn’t it be AWESOME? So, why haven’t we done such a thing? It’s because we have been cognitively illiterate due to the intangibility of cognition. But things have changed. We now have the primitive technology we need for a new field of engineering… Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out! Join us to learn more about this exciting news!

About Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG

Jeff Copper, an ADHD coach and expert on attention issues, is founder of DIG Coaching Practice and host/founder of Attention Talk Radio and Attention Talk Video. He coaches individuals with ADD/ADHD who seek results by helping them realize their potential personally and/or business. As someone who has had to learn to manage attention and deal with his own challenges, Jeff helps his clients understand how their minds work by using his anatomy of attention construct to help them regain control of their attention, move past barriers, achieve what they are capable of faster with less stress.

He is the author, developer, and facilitator of Cognitive Ergonomics From the Inside Out™, an innovative and radical departure from the current paradigm as an intervention for ADHD. He received the 2022 Professional Excellence Award by the ADHD Coaches Organization. Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree from Indiana University, an MBA from University of Tampa, professional designations from International Coaches Federation (ICF), Professional Association for ADHD Coaches (PAAC), and certifications from ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) and Coaches Training Institute (CTI). He is a member of Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA), Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO), PAAC, and ICF.

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