with Sherrie Cannon, ACCG, PCC
The reality: Around the clock, our world translates revolutionary ideas and the self-improvement books into 30+ languages ….just not into ADHD-ese. What to do? Become the brilliant expert translator for your uniquely wired brain.
Inspiring quotes, stories of people who pulled themselves up by the bootstraps; the how-to book that changed a friend’s life and she now begs you to read it; an online course about setting boundaries or living happily on a budget has your co-worker over the moon. Maybe you buy them all or possibly you park them in your Amazon cart, so you’ll be forced to decide soon, only to discover that when you dig in, the content seems useful– just not life-altering.
Why do some things resonate so powerfully for others and not for you? You feel let down and once again, like an outsider. Without realizing it, your brain processes another “defeat”. The world “got” something that you don’t. Well, bull shirt as Ellen of The Good Place, says. The reality: Around the clock, our world translates revolutionary ideas and the self-improvement books into 30+ languages ….just not into ADHD-ese. What to do? Become the brilliant expert translator for your uniquely wired brain.
An ADHD Executive Coach, entrepreneur, and teacher, Sherri works with professionals across industries and especially those in technology organizations. She has led more than 1400 leadership and personal development workshops across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Her favorite thing is to witness her clients growing more confident and clearer as they weave their unique core strengths and passions into daily life. She is a featured speaker at ADHD Conferences in the U.S. and blogs at https://www.beyondthebellcurve.life/off-the-bell-curve-blog/