
“Tummy Time” et al Could Connect the Gaps in Your ADHD Brain! Alma Galvan — 2024

with Alma Galvan


In this session, Alma Galvan will show you what parts of the brain cause ADHD, and how you can develop them so you can reduce your anxiety and improve your focus, naturally. She will also discuss fight or flight, and show you how an underdeveloped brain will actually throw you into fight or flight, and by doing simple exercises on a daily basis you can improve brain function to automatically regulate fight or flight.

About Alma Galvan

In 1996, both of Alma’s children were diagnosed with severe autism, ADHD, Sensory Disorder, and more. One doctor even told her to put her oldest son in an institution and move on with her life. That’s where her journey began…

It took her 7 years to discover some powerful new techniques that were scientifically proven to promote brain development. They literally changed her life! When she started using these techniques, her children’s challenges improved more in just a few months than in all the 7 years combined! In fact, the changes were so dramatic that other parents noticed and started asking her to work with their children.

That’s how BrainWorx was born. For the past 20 years she has worked with thousands of families to help their children overcome anxiety, overwhelm, distractibility, foggy thinking, procrastination and much more. What she has found was that movement changes the brain, which allows us to have more functions, and having more functions allows us to have greater ease in life.

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