
Exposed! Exceptional ADHD Relationships Require Vulnerability (It’s a skill!) with Aaron Dodini, MS, MA, PH.D. — 2025

with Aaron Dodini, MS, MA, PH.D.


Intimacy and vulnerability are vital to the success of any relationship, but they are especially difficult to achieve for ADHD partnerships. It’s a scary proposition – to share your deepest self with another person. And that person is usually the one who knows you best, therefore knows exactly how to hurt you! Not fun. The good news is that intimacy and vulnerability are skills we can learn, especially if we have a safe place to practice them. Dr. Aaron Dodini shares resources that can enrich your ADHD relationship and create a stronger bond


Aaron Dodini, MS, MA, PhD, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) specialist. As the founder of Dodini Behavioral Health and Calibrate ADHD in Arlington, Virginia with a national reach, he and his colleagues seek to help couples, families, and adults to live bigger, richer, fuller lives. He believes that ADHD is neither a disorder nor a disadvantage when the ADHD brain is unlocked and the brain strengths and challenges are identified.  The goal is to help create alignment between the ADHD brain and the circumstances that will allow that person to thrive.

Dr. Dodini carries forward a legacy of resilience, hard work, and dedication to personal growth In part because of his beliefs, values, and experiences and in part due to the examples of his ancestors, his family of origin, and his wife and children. He understands the importance of ambition and drive, and also the value of relationships to help us on our journey toward the life we want. When our efforts are based on principles of authenticity, vulnerability, and intimacy with ourselves and with others, we have much of what we need to achieve that goal.

Contact Dr. Dodini: [email protected] or 703.909.5101

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