with David Giwerc, MCC, PCC
The four E’s of Coaching: Each one is briefly explained and why it’s so important — 1) Educating, 2) Energizing, 3) Empowering, 4) Embracing. Of course this is all part of comprehensive treatment, so proper diagnosis and medication treatment regimen are essential as well, but only with a well-qualified trained diagnostician, physician who is a specialist in ADHD and co-morbid conditions.
The four E’s of Coaching: Each one is briefly explained and why it’s so important.
1) Educating women with ADHD about the invisible challenges of ADHD making them visible for each woman client with ADHD so that they understand how they exist from the context of possessing a unique brain wiring and not being broken.
2) Energizing: women with ADHD about the successes that they’ve had in the past and going out and exploring to see what works so that they can begin the process of implementing it more frequently.
3) Empowering women with ADHD to identify both their performance and character strengths that are the natural source of inspiration that refuels their Executive Functions. Also identifying the processing styles that comprise their unique way of learning, living in expressing the best in each individual woman.
4) Embracing all three: 1) Educating understanding and knowing you’re unique brain wiring 2) By inquiring and exploring what consistently works well situationally 3) empowering yourself to utilize your Strengths daily 4) While embracing the essence of who you are (integrity=Heart and Head in Harmony in the Here and now, Having want you truly want, 5H’s aligned with your own meaning/purpose of what you want to bring into the world.
Of course this is all part of comprehensive treatment, so proper diagnosis and medication treatment regimen are essential as well, but only with a well-qualified trained diagnostician, physician who is a specialist in ADHD and co-morbid conditions.
David Giwerc is a Master Certified ADHD Coach, MCAC, with the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (PAAC) and a Master Certified Coach, MCC, with the International Coach Federation (ICF). He is also the Founder and President of the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA), the first and largest comprehensive ADHD coach training program fully accredited by the ICF and PAAC, the governing bodies of the Life Coaching and ADHD Coaching Professions.
David has an internationally recognized coaching practice dedicated to empowering ADHD entrepreneurs, executives, and CEOs from businesses of all sizes. David’s ADHD coaching skills, intuitive business sense, and diverse experience have been credited with helping to transform struggling businesses into profitable thriving enterprises. David has been recognized for his many contributions in the field of ADHD coaching and research. He was inducted into the 2016 International CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) Hall of Fame, and also received the 2016 ACO Founders Award from the ADHD Coaches Organization.
In his groundbreaking book, Permission to Proceed: The Keys to Creating a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Possibility for Adults with ADHD, David shares his unique and effective coaching models for gaining control of one’s ADHD at home, work, and in the community.